Thursday, June 5, 2014

Comic festivals recap

First up was the first comic festival of the nothern provices in Drachten. I shared a table with Flip and his brother Joeri, who was making awesome lino prints. It was fun to be there and I hope to be there again next year. We were even interviewed by a local newspaper.

The book fair in my hometown was cosy as expected, but unfortunately all hell broke loose that afternoon when a rainstorm appeared, which turned out worse than anyone expected. Some of my work suffered water damage and couldn't be used for sale anymore, but I could save most of it thanks to Flip's lovely parents and the fellow exhibitors.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition 'De Nieuwe Garde' was a great experience. Flip's aunts were so nice to offer us a place to stay for the weekend and they filmed and took photo's of the event. This is the first publication of the comic 'Canada' I've been going on about lately. Flip was even asked to read the poem to the audience :)

Even the national newspaper 'Trouw' published about it and showed one of my artworks. I was so happy when I noticed :)

The festival itself was a great succes. Lovely people and a great location in the center of Haarlem. Definately going again next time! With new smallpress books, totebags and hopefully a closer look into 'V für Victory'.

The exhibition's until June 22nd, so if you're in Haarlem anytime soon don't forget to visit Galerie 37PK to view the work of me and fellow comic artists/illustrators. It's worth a watch.


  1. Ik heb het artikel gelezen hier in het Dagblad van het Noorden! :D Heel leuk, ze klonken erg positief : )

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